APIs & Integrations


API: How to get Blog-Posts by Language




I am trying to get the blog-posts using API endpoint  https://api.hubapi.com/content/api/v2/blog-posts?......

This gives me the lists of blog-posts from all the languages. I want to get the posts in a specific Language. I read all the documentation but did not find any endpoint or parameter for this purpose.


I have to display the 4 recently published language-specific blogs in a section on different websites like Japanese blogs on a Japanese website and so on.


Is there any way to get the blog-posts by Language, using any API endpoint?

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Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Gold
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Gold

API: How to get Blog-Posts by Language


Hi @AmandeepSingh 


You can use the new API (Version 3) https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/cms/blog-post


When you call/cms/v3/blogs/posts you will get a JSON Property for the language:

"language": "af",


The V3 API is in Beta... but that's better than not knowing which language the post is in.


Have fun



p.s. thanks for the mention @dennisedson 

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Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Gold
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Gold

API: How to get Blog-Posts by Language


Hi @AmandeepSingh 


You can use the new API (Version 3) https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/cms/blog-post


When you call/cms/v3/blogs/posts you will get a JSON Property for the language:

"language": "af",


The V3 API is in Beta... but that's better than not knowing which language the post is in.


Have fun



p.s. thanks for the mention @dennisedson 

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Équipe de développement de HubSpot

API: How to get Blog-Posts by Language

Not sure why I forgot about that beta!
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Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

API: How to get Blog-Posts by Language


Hey @AmandeepSingh 

I don't know of a specific parameter you could search for language. 

@Mike_Eastwood , do you know? 

I wonder if looking at the url of each and sorting that way could work 🤔

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