APIs & Integrations


10 questions to finish my app

Hi everyone, I already posted this in the Slack channel but I hope I'll have more luck in here 🙂 I have some questions that I couldn't answer reading the docs.


1. Search for phone when spaces don’t match
I’m using the endpoint /v3/objects/contacts/search to look for a contact based on a phone number.
It works fine when the phone number is exactly the same, including spaces, etc. but if there’s even one space in a different position, the endpoint doesn’t find the contact.
This is a major issue for me, since I can’t rely on users always having all numbers formatted perfectly as I expect them.
How can I solve this?
2. Create deal and link to contact in one call
When creating a new deal linked to a contact, at the moment I need to do
  • one call to POST /v3/objects/deals
  • one call to PUT objects/deals/:deal_id/associations/contacts/:contact_id/deal_to_contact
Can I do the same in just one call?
3. Retrieve all activities per deal in one call
I can get all the associations for a deal at once using /v3/objects/deals/:id?associations=CALLS,TASKS,EMAIL,etc. but then I need to fetch the activities one by one. This seems very strange, and incredibly slow considering a deal can have dozens of activities. Can I retrieve them all at once?
4. Retrieve phones for contact
Where can I find the phone numbers of a contact?
5. Save multiple phone numbers to a contact
I can save the phone number for a contact while creating it by passing a phone parameter to POST /v3/objects/contacts - and I guess I can update it, as well, but how do I add a new phone number to an existing contact?
6. Retrieve company name (I have to use hub_domain)
How can I find the company name for the user? The closest I could get is doing a GET to /v1/access-tokens/ and using the hub_domain parameter instead, but it’s not user friendly.
7. Retrieve profile picture
Can I retrieve the url of the user’s avatar or reconstruct it in a reliable way?
8. Retrieve data center urls for current user
I need to provide direct links to deals, contacts, etc. To do that I should know which subdomain to point to for each user. For example, app-eu1.hubspot.com - If I simply point to a generic app.hubspot.com it doesn’t work.
Where can I find the right subdomain for the user?
9. Direct link to activities
Related to #8, how can I provide direct links to specific activities?
10. Release as beta
Once the app goes through the review process, would it be possible to roll it out gradually or let a few users test it, before making it public to the world?
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4 Réponses

10 questions to finish my app

Any chance to get an answer at least to #1? It's been 4+ months guys 😅

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10 questions to finish my app

Trying one more up... 🤞🙂 

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10 questions to finish my app

it would be great to at least find an answer to #1.

Without it I can't bring my app to HubSpot

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Équipe de développement de HubSpot

10 questions to finish my app

Hey @daniti 

Lot to unpack here... @Teun@RMones 

Either one of you want to attempt to tackle this? 

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