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Using the Orders Object with Shopify Sync



I was wondering if anyone else has run into issues with the shopify sync since it's updated the orders to sync with "Orders" now rather than Deals. 

The main issue I'm facing is web purchases are no longer showing as deals which creates inconsistencies in the reporting as other pipelines still run on deals.


The orders object also still seems incomplete, it's difficult to find and I can't add it to the right side panel for contacts and don't see a way of associating it to deals. 

Does anyone have suggestions for workarounds for mapping shopify orders to deals? or a way to sync a deal pipeline with an orders pipeline so that they can remain consistent? 

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Using the Orders Object with Shopify Sync

Hello @BSmith08

Did you create a workflow to create a deal whenever an order comes through? If you didn't, maybe you can try doing that!

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Ratul Rahman

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Using the Orders Object with Shopify Sync

Thanks @RatulRahman , I had thought about that but the issue is sometimes deal amounts and other properties will change from the shopify sync after the fact, and I don't see a way to associate the deals and orders automatically. Therefore creating the deals alone through a workflow won't be sufficient in keeping the data in sync. Otherwise this would work perfect!