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Trying to find a way to bulk create custom object records based on other custom objects


Hey all. I have a unique use-case. We are a B2C home service company.

  • We use Contacts to represent homeowners, and possibly their spouse (a separate contact).
  • We use deals to track new revenue opportunities
  • We use tickets for service requests

Now we are wanting to move the remainder of our operation out of our legacy software and into HubSpot. This involves managing the actual properties we work on and dispatching work to be completed in large batches.


We have created 2 custom objects.

  • Properties - These should be the homes or physical locations we treat.
  • Stops - These should be records that correspond to actual work that will be done. 

As you can imagine, some contacts (or a couple of contacts together) can own one or multiple properties.


My initial plan was to simply create a custom-object active list of all properties who had an active subscription, and then when it comes time to schedule the first service of the year, Select All properties and enroll them in a workflow to create "stops" object records that would then go into a "pending" stage pipe, waiting to be scheduled. 


Tonight I see that I cannot enroll custom objects into a workflow. So it looks like that plan is off the table. 


I can't use contacts to bulk-create the "stops" because of the issue with multiple contacts for one property, or one contact with multiple properties. 


Any ideas?

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Trying to find a way to bulk create custom object records based on other custom objects


@BrendonTW - it seems to me that what you want to do could be achieved pretty simply using a  imited amount of custom code ina workflow step.

- the custom list could formed as a data astructure inside the custm code with a single search call across your properties objects

- after manipulation of this list, the the required stops objects could be created by a batch creation call for that custom object type.


Maybe I'm off lase, but that seems to ddress the proble as stated. I agree it would be meg helpful to have list of custom objects as  way to trigger workflows directly, but without that system update there may be some deft surgury that can achive the same effect.



Steve Christian

HTM Solutions


+1 6195183009
San Diego, CA
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Trying to find a way to bulk create custom object records based on other custom objects


@BrendonTW - it seems to me that what you want to do could be achieved pretty simply using a  imited amount of custom code ina workflow step.

- the custom list could formed as a data astructure inside the custm code with a single search call across your properties objects

- after manipulation of this list, the the required stops objects could be created by a batch creation call for that custom object type.


Maybe I'm off lase, but that seems to ddress the proble as stated. I agree it would be meg helpful to have list of custom objects as  way to trigger workflows directly, but without that system update there may be some deft surgury that can achive the same effect.



Steve Christian

HTM Solutions


+1 6195183009
San Diego, CA
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Trying to find a way to bulk create custom object records based on other custom objects


Hey Steve, I don't completely understand what you're saying could be a solution. 

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Trying to find a way to bulk create custom object records based on other custom objects


Hi @BrendonTW,


@BrendonTW wrote:

Tonight I see that I cannot enroll custom objects into a workflow. So it looks like that plan is off the table.

What exactly do you mean? Should be able to create workflows based on your object. For example, I have a custom object for agencies. HubSpot lets me create agency-based workflows.


Best regards

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Trying to find a way to bulk create custom object records based on other custom objects




What I mean is, I cannot create a "list" of custom object records and then enroll them into a workflow, like you can do with contact lists.

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Trying to find a way to bulk create custom object records based on other custom objects


Hi @BrendonTW,

Thank for the additional information!

I understand that you want to create a list based on custom object properties and then use this list as an enrollment trigger in a workflow, is that correct?

I'd like to share this article "Set your workflow enrollment triggers" regarding the list membership enrollment trigger.

@karstenkoehler do you have any suggestions to help @BrendonTW to create such list, please?

If anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thank you and have a lovely day!


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