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Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM



I'm trying to map the Record ID field with a field in CRM Dynamics 365 called "Contact Record". For some reason, I can't seem to find the Record ID field. It's not a custom field but rather an Out of the box field. 

Can someone explain to me why ?


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Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM

Hey 🙂

The record id field is a field we're not able to expose in field mappings -
the way our sync engine works makes it behave too unreliably for now, so we
want to fix that before giving it as a field mapping. That's the only
reason. If you get the ID field to show up through some workflow in another
text field, and then map that, that'll work.

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Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM


Hey all - I'm the PM on data sync. It took us some time but we finally got around to this. You can now map the record id in your data syncs without the need of clunky workarounds. 

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Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM


Hey all - I'm the PM on data sync. It took us some time but we finally got around to this. You can now map the record id in your data syncs without the need of clunky workarounds. 

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Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM


Now that this field is availabe to map. If it is now mapped to a Dynamics field in integration will it populate Dynamics on the first sync run or will Dynamics have to be updated with the Record ID another way.

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Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM


Hi Mark - If you add the field mapping and 'save your sync', it will retrigger an initial sync, meaning it will iterate through all the records and fill out the record ID for every single record!

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Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM


If the sync engine is "unreliable" using the naitive Record ID field will it be any more reliable syncing a copy of the field updated through a workflow?

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Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM


Hi @KMohamed15,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community!


The Record ID can only be used when updating contacts through importing or through API.

HubSpot doesn't expose the contact ID for syncing to avoid users from adjusting these.


That being said, what you can do is set up a workflow in HubSpot that copies the Contact ID into a custom text field.

You can then incorporate that custom text field in your field mappings and sync it to the Contact Record in  Dynamics 365. 


This knowledge base article goes into further detail on how to set up mappings for data sync integrations.

Hope this information helps 🙂




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Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM



Awesome, this makes sense to me. Follow-up question, if a field in my CRM Dynamics 365 is a dropdown list and the field I'm trying to map in Hubspot is a text field, I can't map those. 
Is there a reason why I can't atleast see the dropdown field in the field choices ? I would assume I would still see it but be grayed out or unavailable once I try to map it to another field type. 

Thank you

Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM


Hi @KMohamed15,


This is a great question! 


We recently discussed this in this related community thread regarding mapping dropdown fields with @elihelou and @FransLeys


"The reason you are not able to map these fields is that the system can’t map two drop-down fields (more on this here). This is due to a limitation of our data sync integration engine, so it won't work on any data sync integration. 

You can see which mapping possibilities are possible here.


As a workaround at the moment, you can map a drop-down field towards a single text field but it will be restricted to a single direction sync (from drop-down to a single text field)."


I also wanted to share this related feature request in our Ideas Forum where a member of our product team, @WinnieHien shares some exciting news! 

"HUGE RELEASE! Dropdown sync LITE is now live for Dynamics. We’re collecting feedback now, with a bigger announcement planned in a couple of weeks.

If you want to learn more about the feature and how to set-up two-way sync, check out this FAQ doc

Send any feedback you have our way! DMs or comments on this thread are welcome." 


I would recommend commenting on the idea or DM'ing Winnie with your feedback regarding this update. 


Let me know if you have any questions 🙂



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Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Record ID field Sync with Dynamcs 365 CRM

Hey 🙂

The record id field is a field we're not able to expose in field mappings -
the way our sync engine works makes it behave too unreliably for now, so we
want to fix that before giving it as a field mapping. That's the only
reason. If you get the ID field to show up through some workflow in another
text field, and then map that, that'll work.