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Re-enrollment trigger not working


Hello everyone,


I have created a workflow that works as following:

  • subscription criterias are "Status" = Not answering and "Contact owner" = Sales1
  • Then i create a task for Sales1 to call the lead with deadline the same day

The problem arise the following day, since i want to create a new task on the same lead, only if the previous one is completed but the status is still on "Not answering".


Re-enrollment triggers of the two property are not working because the value of the property does not change, so the workflow does not re-enroll the contact again and i do not have included in my plan to run the workflow daily, so I am trying to find an alternative.


Any suggestion?

Thanks a lot


2 Akzeptierte Lösungen
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner

Re-enrollment trigger not working


Hey @MScutra whats the exact  enrollment/re-enrollment criteria? Could you send a screenshot? 

My best guess here is that your enrollment is set on a filter of a property "status" equaling "not answering" and you re-enroll based on the status being that value? 

If that's the case, your re-enrollment will only trigger based on an update to the property, so if the status just stays as "not answering" there's no action or update so no re-enrollment. 

If the property was set to a different value and then back to "not answering" it would re-enroll. You'll need some sort of action taken for re-enrollment to trigger. 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner

Re-enrollment trigger not working


Hi @MScutra, HubSpot just rolled out a beta to allow for task based workflows. Or, you can wait for the scheduled release on 11/20. You'll need to enroll in the beta or wait until 11/20 to leverage the second part of this potential solution.


First, set up a contact based workflow.



Then, you would set up a task based workflow, so you could re-enroll based on something like task name. You can trigger off a task being completed. This property already exists, so no need to create one.



I underlined some areas to pay attention to. In the branch step, you'll need to pull in the associated contact. Here's more details on how to do so.


Let me know if you have any questions or need items explained further.


All the Best,

Ryan Schweighart

Whole Hart Impact, LLC


I help businesses with HubSpot and Zapier. 


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5 Antworten
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner

Re-enrollment trigger not working


Hi @MScutra, HubSpot just rolled out a beta to allow for task based workflows. Or, you can wait for the scheduled release on 11/20. You'll need to enroll in the beta or wait until 11/20 to leverage the second part of this potential solution.


First, set up a contact based workflow.



Then, you would set up a task based workflow, so you could re-enroll based on something like task name. You can trigger off a task being completed. This property already exists, so no need to create one.



I underlined some areas to pay attention to. In the branch step, you'll need to pull in the associated contact. Here's more details on how to do so.


Let me know if you have any questions or need items explained further.


All the Best,

Ryan Schweighart

Whole Hart Impact, LLC


I help businesses with HubSpot and Zapier. 


Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner

Re-enrollment trigger not working


Hey @MScutra whats the exact  enrollment/re-enrollment criteria? Could you send a screenshot? 

My best guess here is that your enrollment is set on a filter of a property "status" equaling "not answering" and you re-enroll based on the status being that value? 

If that's the case, your re-enrollment will only trigger based on an update to the property, so if the status just stays as "not answering" there's no action or update so no re-enrollment. 

If the property was set to a different value and then back to "not answering" it would re-enroll. You'll need some sort of action taken for re-enrollment to trigger. 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Re-enrollment trigger not working


You are right Tom, the re-enrollment trigger criteria is exactly that one. Status = not answering and Contact owner = Sales1.

I should try @PamCotton 's solution and crate a custom property about the task and use another workflow to change the value after the completation of the task.

Any best practice to do this?


Thanks a lot


Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner
Vordenker/-in | Platinum Partner

Re-enrollment trigger not working


No sounds like Pam's idea is right! You basically just need an action taken to "trigger" the workflow again. So if you have a task being closed as re-enrollment or enrollment it should trigger this again! I can't remember all the task actions in Workflows off the top of my head, but you should be able to get something playing around for a while! 


Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Re-enrollment trigger not working


Hey @MScutra, thank you for posting.


It sounds like the workflow setup is solid, but re-enrollment is tricky without property changes. One option is to add a custom "Task Completed" property, which the workflow can clear each time a task is completed. This way, the contact can re-enroll based on the "Not answering" status and task completion.

To our top experts @RSchweighart and @bendonahower do you have any recommendations for @MScutra matter?


Thank you,


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