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Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Lime CRM sync

Hey folks,

Frans with Data Sync here. We have a connector for Lime CRM available in beta right now, to sync Contacts, Companies & Deals two-way with HubSpot. 


It requires access to the Lime CRM API, but no special features inside of HubSpot are necessary (Operations Hub Starter comes in handy to sync custom fields).


It works on our own test accounts but I'm still looking for some extra testers. I can grant access if you either reply to this thread or DM me with your portal id. Thanks! 🙂




1 Resposta 1

Lime CRM sync

Does not work, got this message: User error on remote account for appId="514894" reason="FAILED" message=""

Everything looks great from Lime side, no errors on their side!

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