Hi all - My sales team recently purchased Outreach for SDR automation and I'm trying to synch HS and Outreach. right now web hits, eg, go to HS first and HS is our single source of truth.
i have basic contact sync'ing working. I'm using the outreach data synch from the HS marketplace.
BUT one MAJOR issue is that i can't seem to get the "contact owner" field from HS to Outreach. so our SDRS dont know which prospects they own, w/o a manual check and added work.
Is there a way to do this? and don't know what opshub or piesych are. can they help??
This is a functionality that we'll be rolling out to all of the Data Sync supported apps, so I wouldn't categorize it as a limitation on the Outreach side.
With regards to the release date. We generally don't wait to release incremental updates. Whenever we're ready, it'll be released. Internally, we have a target launch date that our teams are working towards for each roadmap item. But a roadmap is not a launch calendar. Items might get fast-tracked or take longer to develop than originally planned. That's why we can't commit to a date.
I'm afraid this is something that is currently not possible with Data Sync. This would have been possible if we could map the HubSpot Owner field with the Outreach Owner field. Since those are both dropdown fields, our engine can't do so (yet).
This is a very common use case though, so it's high up on our roadmap. However, when exactly we'll have it ready, is not something we can say at the moment.
Is this because it is not yet slotted into any upcoming release? Thus, it could even be 2022 or never? Would you classify this as an HS limitation or an Outreach limitation? It looks like this is doable with Salesforce & Outreach.