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Generate A New Lead For Second Form Submission In Dynamics

We have set up the Microsoft Dynamics integration which works quite well. However, in Microsoft, Leads never really go away. They get qualified to opportunities, but the lead still exists. 

The problem we are having is that if a client submits a second form at a later date, the original lead is then updated rather than creating a new lead.

I don't see an option to only create new leads in the Sync Settings,


Any thoughts as to how we can overcome this issue?


3 Replies 3

Generate A New Lead For Second Form Submission In Dynamics

I wish I had a great solution for you but only here to sympathize. I've been diving in trying to figure out how to resolve this also. We work a bit differently because we actually "disqualify" our leads in Dynamics which deactivates the lead. But that creates it's own issues, and sometimes leads never get deactivated. A potential solution I have considered is pushing the lead owner info back to Hubspot, and setting up some kind of workflow so that when the contact has certain updates in Hubspot (like a new form submission, or campaign engagement) that it sends a notification email to the lead owner. I haven't actually tried to do this yet but has been my closest ideato a solution so far. 

Most Valuable Member | Diamond Partner
Most Valuable Member | Diamond Partner

Generate A New Lead For Second Form Submission In Dynamics

Hi @EAGMark 


This is an interesting problem that I've come across before, although in a Salesforce scenario, but its basically the same. 

First of all, as in the other situation mentioned, there is a difference between how Dynamics is intended to work vs how your organisation is using it, and I would recommend clearing that up to begin with. 


In Dynamics, like in Saleforce, the process of converting a lead describes the conversion of the lead record (which is contact and company info combined) into a contact, account and, optionally, an opportunity. The lead information is used to populate the new records, but the lead doesn't really become an opportunity, rather it becomes a contact associated with an opportunity. The lead remains in the system in converted state as you mention. 


Nonetheless, rather than updating the contact record (or the lead as you say) you may still want a new lead generated. I advise against it, because it is basically duplicate information using many of the same identifiers. However, it is possible, although not with the native HubSpot Dynamics integration.


The solution usually, is to change the deduplication (usually email address) field that the integration looks at on contacts (typically) so that instead of seeing the existing contact record with the email of the 'new' lead, it turns up blank and creates the new lead anyway. 


Hope this helps?

Phil Vallender | HubSpot Website Agency

Generate A New Lead For Second Form Submission In Dynamics

Thanks for the response Phil. We actually moved from Salesforce to Dynamics recently and had a nice work around for Salesforce that unfortunately doesn't work with Dynamics. The key difference is that Dynamics uses a Sales Process that directly ties the lead to an opportunity. If a contact submits a new request, we can't create another opportunity due to that 1:1 lead to opportunity relationship.  

I did figure out a way to create an alert in Dynamics if the request changes so we can generate a new lead and/or opportunity manually.  I actually prefer the creation of a second lead as it tells me how many requests a person has submitted and how many ended up being qualified.  Also leads don't sync with our other systems, so that's less data in the system.