I think I missed a part of documentation. Could someone please point me in the right direction to solve the issue below? How do I get the dataset forumla field value to display in the custom report?
Dataset forumla field value is not appearing in custom report. Custom report data source is only the corresponding dataset.
The excel line in the screenshow below reflects the values as pulled from the custom report. In the report, the dataset formula fields reflect no value. In the dataset itself, the formula fields display the expected numerical values of one or zero (second set of data in screenshot).
Could you please give us more context about the goal you want to achieve? For example, could you share what Dataset you're using and a screenshot of your Formula Field? The more information, screenshots, and examples you provide, the better we can help you.
I'd also like to consult our experts to see if they have any suggestions for you.
Could you please give us more context about the goal you want to achieve? For example, could you share what Dataset you're using and a screenshot of your Formula Field?
End goal: To show closed ticket per ticket owner within 90, 30, and 7 days on a pivot table report. Expected final table results will be ticket owner + a sum of the 90 day count, 30 day count, and 7 day count formula fields with a value of 1 in their respective columns. However, these three fields reflect "no value" inside reports even though the dataset reflects the values 1 or 0 values accurately.
Using pivot table to show the three categories because the number of requested reports exceeds dash limit.
Using dataset because we also need to include additional calculated properties like working days, but the beta limits us to 3 formula properties per custom report.
This dataset is solely based on tickets.
Dataset Count is a numeric property that is set to "1" via workflow whenever a new ticket is created.
Using a sum aggregate of this numeric property in the values of the pivot table because number properties are filterable while distinct count (which is available in datasets) is not.
Other troubleshooting tried:
Using internal values, like "ticket.dataset_count" inside the other formulas instead of "[dataset count]".
Formula screenshots:
Please let me know if any other information is needed for troubleshooting.