⚙ Operations Hub


Custom code in Workflow to calculate number of emails?


Hello community,


While HubSpot provides a Number of times contacted field natively, this field is not very granular in that:

  1. It counts all types of activties indiscrimnantly.
  2. The number can only grow as its not calculated for a certain time period.

I am wondering if its possible in using custom code in workflow, to achive a count of related activties with various conditons (activity type) and date (time frame).

Can the code access all the related activity records to perform such a count?

Thank you

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Custom code in Workflow to calculate number of emails?


Hello Bérangère,

Thanks for the reply here and searching for previous solutions.
It looks like the first solution you posted migh be the closest to what is needed.

I did not realize that it is possible to use API calls inside a custom code element within a workflow.
I'll have to try to alter this sample code to what we need and see how it work.


Thank you



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Custom code in Workflow to calculate number of emails?


Hi @ABrandt,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community!

I found for you similar threads that might be of interest:

- The solution from @KimM on this post "Custom Code to Count Activities"
- The post from @Kevin-C on this post "Using Custom Code to get activity dates in contact workflow"
- The solution from @karstenkoehler on this post "Activity type & count by Company over period"

I also wanted to invite a couple of subject matter experts to this conversation: Hi @HFisher7@louischausse and @ChristinaKay do you have suggestions to help @ABrandt, please?

If anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thank you very much ❤️ and have a great day!


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Custom code in Workflow to calculate number of emails?


Hello Bérangère,

Thanks for the reply here and searching for previous solutions.
It looks like the first solution you posted migh be the closest to what is needed.

I did not realize that it is possible to use API calls inside a custom code element within a workflow.
I'll have to try to alter this sample code to what we need and see how it work.


Thank you



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