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Connectwise Hubspot Sync

Our sales team has been using Hubspot for some time and we have decided now is the time to sync our databases. I have run into the issue that a lot of clients are labelled differently in the databases. Does anyone have a good plan of attack for dealing with names not matching with the sync?





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Connectwise Hubspot Sync

Hi @NPatrin ,


Ideally, you would have one value that is consistent for your contacts (an email address, perhaps) and companies (a url or domain, maybe) that you can use as a key for matching the records between the two databases.


If you have the domain and email and they match, making HubSpot match ConnectWise is easy:


  1. Export your Company records form ConnectWise, including the Company Name and the Domain.
  2. Import this list into HubSpot, using the setting to "Create and Update" and using the Domain as the Alternate ID (Unique Identifier.)  When the import is complete, your HubSpot Company names will match ConnectWise.
  3. Export your Contacts from ConnectWise, including the Contact Name and email address.
  4. Import this list into HubSpot, using the setting to "Create and Update" and using the email as the Alternate ID (Unique Identifier.)  When the import is complete, your HubSpot Contact names will match ConnectWise.

Hope this helps!

- Trevor
If my post solves your problem, please accept it as a solution.

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