⚙ Operations Hub




Is it possible to use the associations label to link contacts as family members?

殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner



Hi @LSimon3,


Same object associations are currently not possible but HubSpot is actively working on them and they are in private beta at the moment. If you wait a few more weeks, you should see an update on associating contacts with contacts 🙂


So no, not yet, but very likely very soon.


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner



Hi @LSimon3,


Great news, it's now possible to associate records of the same type, see this public beta:


Tickets | Custom Objects | Contacts | Deals | Companies

[Public Beta] Associate Records of the Same Object Type

Oct 18, 2023

What is it?

Same object associations give customers the ability to associate a CRM record to another record of the same object type e.g. a contact to a contact or a deal to a deal. These new associations are available for contacts, companies, deals, tickets and custom objects and can be leveraged across core HubSpot tools. Watch a short video on how this works.


Why does it matter?

Customers want HubSpot to reflect the reality of their business; this often includes a web of contacts or a collection of related companies. Without the ability to connect contacts to contacts, companies to companies and other objects to their same type, customers have been missing key relationships in HubSpot.


How does it work?

Users can now create associations between records of the same type for contacts, companies, deals, tickets and custom objects. On each record, you’ll see a new section in the right sidebar which reflects the type of record you’re on e.g. you’ll see a contacts section while on a contact record.

Customers with at least one Pro or Enterprise subscription can also create either a single label which is the same in both directions e.g. two contacts have the label colleague or a pair of labels representing two sides of a specific relationship e.g. student and teacher. When applying labels, you’re able to preview the application of the labels to ensure it’s correct before creating a new associations.

Same object associations can be leveraged in the following features:

  • Calculated properties
  • Custom Report Builder
  • Import
  • Index Pages
  • Lists
  • Records
  • Workflows


Who gets it?

All hubs and tiers can create associations between records of the same object type (with custom objects being available to enterprise tiers only). Labels are only available to Pro+ customers as well as in custom report builder and workflow support.

You can find this beta here:





Have a great day!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner



Hi @LSimon3,


Great news, it's now possible to associate records of the same type, see this public beta:


Tickets | Custom Objects | Contacts | Deals | Companies

[Public Beta] Associate Records of the Same Object Type

Oct 18, 2023

What is it?

Same object associations give customers the ability to associate a CRM record to another record of the same object type e.g. a contact to a contact or a deal to a deal. These new associations are available for contacts, companies, deals, tickets and custom objects and can be leveraged across core HubSpot tools. Watch a short video on how this works.


Why does it matter?

Customers want HubSpot to reflect the reality of their business; this often includes a web of contacts or a collection of related companies. Without the ability to connect contacts to contacts, companies to companies and other objects to their same type, customers have been missing key relationships in HubSpot.


How does it work?

Users can now create associations between records of the same type for contacts, companies, deals, tickets and custom objects. On each record, you’ll see a new section in the right sidebar which reflects the type of record you’re on e.g. you’ll see a contacts section while on a contact record.

Customers with at least one Pro or Enterprise subscription can also create either a single label which is the same in both directions e.g. two contacts have the label colleague or a pair of labels representing two sides of a specific relationship e.g. student and teacher. When applying labels, you’re able to preview the application of the labels to ensure it’s correct before creating a new associations.

Same object associations can be leveraged in the following features:

  • Calculated properties
  • Custom Report Builder
  • Import
  • Index Pages
  • Lists
  • Records
  • Workflows


Who gets it?

All hubs and tiers can create associations between records of the same object type (with custom objects being available to enterprise tiers only). Labels are only available to Pro+ customers as well as in custom report builder and workflow support.

You can find this beta here:





Have a great day!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Hi Karsten, 

If I'm understanding this correctly, would it be possible to "household" contacts? For example a household might consist of a married pair, or a family with adult children still living at home, all of whom have accounts at the same bank?

0 いいね!



Hey @LSimon3,

Have you heard of Associ8? It automates associations for you. I'm bringing this up because it updated to reflect HubSpot's new Same Object Associations feature (And btw, you can add association labels too since you were asking).
There's some documentation going over how it works here if you'd like to take a look! And let me know if you have any questions!
-David Staat
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殿堂入り | Solutions Partner
殿堂入り | Solutions Partner



Hi @LSimon3,


Same object associations are currently not possible but HubSpot is actively working on them and they are in private beta at the moment. If you wait a few more weeks, you should see an update on associating contacts with contacts 🙂


So no, not yet, but very likely very soon.


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Hi Karsten, 

we're using the same object associations in beta and so far, it is great! However, if I add "contact-contacts" in my view, it is not possible to sort this column (by name). Will this be added at some point?

Thank you!

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