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[NOV 19] Data Sync Hangout w/ Integration Experts


Data Sync Hangout

Friday November 19, 2021 | 10 AM (EST)
Register here



Hi everyone!

We're holding another Data Sync Hangout in November! Once a month on Friday at 10 AM (EST), we try to get a data sync expert to open their office doors to anyone who wants or needs some free integration consulting or just wants to have some of their questions answered


You should attend this hangout if:

  • you need help setting up a Data Sync integration
  • you want to learn more about Data Sync
  • you need help troubleshooting an active connection


Our Data Sync expert will be @FransLeys! Before PieSync was acquired by HubSpot and become Data Sync, Frans was PieSync's Solution Engineer. He will not only be able to help you in setting up a data sync connection, he'll also be able to consult you with your integration strategy.


Sign up here

November 19, 10 AM (EST)

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