Oct 14, 20215:10 AM - edited Oct 15, 20219:27 AM
HubSpot Moderator
What was your favorite RevOps session at INBOUND 2021?
Yesterday was a big day! For the first time ever RevOps was officially represented with a complete track of seven sessions at HubSpot's INBOUND conference. All of these sessions took place yesterday. Here's a full overview of all sessions.
What sessions did you attend and what were your biggest takeaways? Share them in the comments!
Mine? There wasn't a single session that I wanted to skip or miss, but one that really resonated with me was Juli Durante's overview of implement RevOps projects in 90 days. Her enthousiasm was infectious. But what rang true the most was her emphasis on how important it to know that TECH IS JUST A MEANS, NOT A SOLUTION.
As a former PieSync support rep that really resonated with me. So many of our customers adopted PieSync with the belief that a two-way sync would solve their data quality issues. Wrong. If you have one messy database and you sync it with another, you now have two databases to clean up. Think about your data and processes before throwing tech at it.
What was your favorite RevOps session at INBOUND 2021?
@jbogaert I am honestly still going through the On-Demand section, our quarterly planning fell on the second day and the last day was very on-demand busy for me. I am currently going through day 2 and I'm so thrilled to have the opportunity to learn (and steal tips and tricks) from seasoned RevOp pros.
RevOps is so complex, and Inbound 2021 was like Disneyland for me, professionally.
What was your favorite RevOps session at INBOUND 2021?
Similar to @maggiebutler I cannot choose a favorite!
I was also really impressed by Juli Durante's session, especially her emphasis on change management and how RevOps enhances the employee experience in addition to the customer experience. And similar to @jbogaert I loved her saying technology will not solve all your problems with people and process!
A Crash Course on RevOps with Maggie, Alison Elworth, and Rosalyn Santa Elena had another similar takeaway, to create the right internal foundation for the right external experience.
That session had amazing expertise from inside Hubspot and outside HubSpot. I've been following Rosalyn since I started researching RevOps last year and her contribution in elevating the ops community is amazing. She’s active in every community, speaks at so many events, has her own podcast, gives content away for free on Linkedin and more to help others learn and to help elevate ops! Her generous spirit of giving is very admirable, giving the knowledge away to those in need!
I liked how Alison and Rosalyn both talked about investing in ops people, not just hiring sooner since these people are often last to be hired, but also investing in their success to retain them, investing in career advancement for ops people.
The people side of RevOps is often overshadowed by the shiny tech so I am always excited when speakers focus on it!
And though it wasn't one of the official Wednesday RevOps sessions, related sessions that were great were " The work you don’t see - how ops professionals fight the fires, clean the data, keep things running" and "How to build a customer operations team that will enable your cs team to scale." I am so happy to see so many ops-related sessions this year!
What was your favorite RevOps session at INBOUND 2021?
So hard to pick a favorite! Everyone had such great stories and presentations - prepping for INBOUND takes a lot of work and it really showed across the board. I have to say @Connorj13 did a really nice job of pairing how-to HubSpot info with impactful use cases for RevOps developers. I hope, Connor, that you got a bunch of inquiries post-session based on your offers to chat during the your presentation!
What was your favorite RevOps session at INBOUND 2021?
Awww. Thanks Maggie!
We're blowing up over here with hiring screening calls (if you're interested, check out our careers page) and new sales calls. It was a blast and I was just happy to come!