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Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Diamante

Snippets and Quotes and Commerce Hub


Due to certain restrictions with quotes, I am using snippets to describe services ... e.g. like a library of products to add into quotes. This works for me as I am a sales team member of one, but we are selling commerce hub into all kinds of accounts and the rudimentary nature of snippets for this process is a quick weakness. Also, I am trashing up the snippet library with product descriptions. It is hard to organize them too. Using folders and names the best I can. And I hestitate to show my weird process to customers.


Has anyone through of creating a special Product description library that could be used like snippets for quotes... to add into the body of the quote... it is the workaround I had to use for the fact that our quotes describe services. It is the biggest gap in commerce hub for me compared to proposal software



Rebecca Gonzalez
0 Avaliação positiva
1 Solução aceita
Orientador(a) | Parceiro Ouro
Orientador(a) | Parceiro Ouro

Snippets and Quotes and Commerce Hub


Hi Rebecca,


Snippets are not really suited for use as a library of products.

Have you explored using the HubSpot Product Library on your Commerce Hub menu?

When adding line items to deals or quotes, you can add from the product library.

HubSpot will replicate the products as line items on your deal or quote and will automatically populate the service name, description, price and more.

Here is how to get started https://knowledge.hubspot.com/products/how-do-i-use-products


If I have misunderstood, please tell us why the Product Library does not suit your needs and we can help further.




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Orientador(a) | Parceiro Ouro
Orientador(a) | Parceiro Ouro

Snippets and Quotes and Commerce Hub


Hi Rebecca,


Snippets are not really suited for use as a library of products.

Have you explored using the HubSpot Product Library on your Commerce Hub menu?

When adding line items to deals or quotes, you can add from the product library.

HubSpot will replicate the products as line items on your deal or quote and will automatically populate the service name, description, price and more.

Here is how to get started https://knowledge.hubspot.com/products/how-do-i-use-products


If I have misunderstood, please tell us why the Product Library does not suit your needs and we can help further.




Participante de valor | Parceiro Elite
Participante de valor | Parceiro Elite

Snippets and Quotes and Commerce Hub


+1 for the product library thought from @HubDoPete here. A "product" can be a service. 


Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative

Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Snippets and Quotes and Commerce Hub


Hi @Rgonzalez1,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community!

I would like to apologize for the frustration, data issues, and business impact this has caused.

Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback! This means a lot to us.

I have shared it internally to bring more visibility to it.

I'd like to invite a couple of subject matter experts to this conversation: @TomM2, @danmoyle, @HubDoPete, @HubSpot_Corey do you have workarounds or ideas to share with @Rgonzalez1, please?

Thanks so much and have a great day!


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